This International Women’s Day get to know the kick ass women on the Twosisters the Label team a little better!

We ask the girls who and what inspires them, what makes them happy and what their proudest achievements are in the first installation of our “Get to Know….” series!

Ruby, Twosisters the Label Co-Founder and Creative Director

What personal achievement are you most proud of?

Twosisters the Label started as a passion project for my sister, Pauline and I, and to see it evolve into what it has become today makes me incredibly proud. One of the main goals I set for myself and the business was to reach a point where we can give back to the community. I have been offered the privilege of a safe home and a sound education, but I know many others aren’t as lucky. So, it was with great anticipation that we launched the Twosisters ‘Giving Back’ initiative with B1G1 last year. I am a firm believer in offering support to those who need it and for as long as the business is capable, we will continue to give back in whatever capacity that we can.

Aside from that, I’m incredibly proud of the team we’ve built at Twosisters the Label. Pauline and I have always felt passionately about supporting local, so to have such a strong team that’s built of South Australian residents has been such a privilege for us.

What helps you feel empowered?

I feel most empowered when I achieve something that I set my mind on doing.


Tahlor, Customer Service Manager

What is something you do that makes you happy?

I relish in good food and good company! I love going out for dinner and drinks with my friends and family. I also love going to the movies and checking out new releases!

What does empowerment mean to you?

It is important to remember that another woman’s success is not a measure of your failure. To me, empowerment means bringing people up, not down. As Gloria Vanderbilt once said, “I’ve always believed that one woman’s success can only help another woman’s success”.


Kim, Social Media Manager

Tell us about a woman who inspires you.

There are 8 women who inspire me. My mum and her sisters.

My maternal grandfather passed away when my mum was young, so my mum and her sisters didn’t grow up with much.

Before he passed on though, my grandfather instilled in his daughters the importance of education at a time when most fathers wanted to see their daughters married off to a good man. As a result of this, my mum and her sisters all went on to study at university (most of them on overseas scholarships) and build illustrious careers.

My mum has her own law firm, one of her sisters saw the world as a flight attendant, another was the state Director of Health, their list of achievements goes on for miles! On top of this, they’re all wonderful mothers, daughters and aunties.

Growing up, I never felt like there was a glass ceiling for me to break through because they broke it for me.

Fun fact: when I got married, my mum and her sisters bought me a bracelet as a wedding gift. I wore that bracelet on the day of my interview at Twosisters because I felt like I needed some of their energy to score the job (which I did!).

What helps you feel empowered?

I find words of affirmation helpful in moments when I feel doubt, so I follow lots of Instagram accounts that post positive words and thoughts.

Some of my favourite accounts to follow are @asjaboros (she illustrates all her posts as well!), @rupikaur_ and @_mindfullyfresh.


Laura, Graphic Designer

What personal achievement are you most proud of?

I’m so grateful and proud to be able to work in a creative field surrounded by so many talented and motivated women that I am constantly able to learn from.

If you could go back in time and give your 16-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Be fearless... I'm still working on reminding myself this more often!


Amelia, Customer Service Officer

Tell us about a woman who inspires you

My mom!

She's, to me, the world's strongest woman.

She supported our family financially and paid for everything from piano lessons to my prom dress, because she wanted me to be happy. Not only is she tough, she's also full of wisdom. She has a magical sixth sense and picks up on things that I don’t pick up on myself. She was the first one to point out that my last relationship wasn’t a healthy one, so mum’s really do know best!

What is something you do that makes you happy?

Reading. There is nothing better than a good book that I can't put down and I find it one of the best ways to learn new things and expand on your knowledge.