Graduation is such a significant celebration in someone’s life. After years of perseverance and hard work, your many years of education culminates in one day where you receive your degree on a stage in front of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of your peers.

Like any other celebration, it’s important to be suitably dressed for the occasion. Such a big moment is deserving of a dress that makes you feel your best and reflects the important achievement of completing your study and being ready to join the ‘real world’.

Below are our top tips for choosing the best dress for the occasion so that in the years to come, when you look back at your graduation pictures, you don’t think to yourself “why the heck did I wear THAT to my graduation?!”.

Be Respectful of The Occasion

Graduations are generally a formal affair, or at the very least, smart casual, so you want to dress appropriately for the occasion and avoid attire that is too casual.

We recommend staying away from casual attire like t-shirts, jeans and shorts, and opting for a dress, skirt or pants instead to reflect the formality of the occasion.

Choose Colour Wisely

Most universities (colleges if you’re in America!) graduate in black robes. We love the chic simplicity of a black or white dress against a black robe, but don’t be afraid to add a pop of colour to your look that will stand out against the black robe!

If you’re walking in a coloured gown or if you have a coloured sash that goes with your graduation robe, choose a complimentary dress colour so that you don’t clash with your robe in pictures. Again, black and white are always safe option if you’re wearing a gown that is coloured.

Take Comfort into Consideration

As exciting as graduation is, you’ll be spending a lot of time seated. Don’t choose a dress that’s too tight, too short or that you won’t feel comfortable sitting in for a long time.

Remember that you’ll be taking lots of pictures as well and it will show if you aren’t comfortable in your dress.

Think About the Weather

Don’t forget to consider the weather and the venue when you’re choosing a dress. Sure, that sleeveless, backless dress might be perfect right now, but are you still going to love it when you’re seated outside, waiting for your name to be called and the temperature has dropped so you’re freezing?

Consider the Dress Code

Some schools may have a graduation dress code, so make sure you check if your ceremony has one, because nothing could be worse than planning to attend your ceremony with all your family and friends only to find that you won’t be allowed entry because you aren’t appropriately dressed.

Bonus tip: This isn’t directly related to picking the right dress, but another important outfit decision is your shoes! While you will be seated for a lot of the ceremony, you will have to walk across a stage in front of a lot of people, so wear shoes that you can walk comfortable and confidently in. Everyone’s biggest nightmare is tripping on stage in front of everyone and you reduce the chances of that happening dramatically if you’re wearing shoes you’re comfortable walking in!

Bonus BONUS tip: If you’re planning on heading out somewhere after your ceremony that’s pretty casual, like a house party or a relaxed dining venue, bring a change of clothes!

Now you’re ready and prepared for graduation! Good luck and our best wishes to all of you!